At Times Like This...What If Your Business Owner Clients Could Get Out Of Harms Way...Insulating Their Savings From Tax Increases, Eliminate RMD Requirements, Sidestep Market Volatility And Maintain Liquidity & Control?
The Great American Wealth Confiscation of 2020, and beyond, is underway. Massive new multi trillion dollar federal government stimulus programs for pandemic relief and the unlimited money printing policy set up by the Federal Reserve will force the government to come after your client’s money like never before.
The COVID-19 financial impact is like an H-Bomb unleashed on the economy, and it’s full impact has only just begun to wreak havoc.
As someone who has been following these developments for years, it’s not hard to see the writing on the wall, now is the time to get your clients out of harm’s way.
The secret to helping your clients survive the great wealth confiscation in 2020 and beyond is to make your clients money legally invisible to the Government.
In our brand new tutorial, we will reveal the little-known strategy (that only business owners can take advantage of) to protect their wealth from greedy government politicians. Become a Quantum Member Today and we will show you how to protect your best client’s assets from higher taxes, market volatility, and desperate revenue strapped governments.
BONUS: All new members will get a physical copy of our new book that details all the powerful secrets of this Advanced Money Strategy.
The COVID-19 financial impact is like an H-Bomb unleashed on the economy, and it’s full impact has only just begun to wreak havoc.
- Collapsing federal, state and local tax revenues will lead to much higher taxes…and nothing is safe unless you have the perfect shelter rendering your clients 401(k) assets invisible.
- Business and Personal bankruptcies will only exacerbate the government’s revenue shortfalls.
- Unprecedented strain on state Unemployment Insurance programs, with over 25 million new claims in under a month already has states hinting at the need for even more Federal Bailouts or states may face bankruptcy!
As someone who has been following these developments for years, it’s not hard to see the writing on the wall, now is the time to get your clients out of harm’s way.
- As recently as July 9th 2019 an article in The Wall St. Journal proclaimed “Congress Is Coming for Your IRA: The Secure Act would upend 20 years of retirement planning and stick it to the middle class.” And this proposal is not new, with the 2019 passage of the SECURE ACT, this agenda has moved to the forefront in 2020.
- A USA Today article from 2015 titled ”She wants to kill your 401(k)” discusses Theresa Gucciardi’ s plan to eliminate the 401(k) and replace it with another government run retirement program.
- World Net Daily reported as recently as 2012 that “…evidence suggests government officials continue to eye the multi-trillion-dollar private retirement savings market, including IRA’s and 401(k) plans, eyeing the opportunity to redistribute private retirement savings to less affluent Americans…” This is more relevant than ever in the midst of worldwide economic shutdowns.
- The American Thinker’s published an article calmly reporting this shocking bombshell “Quietly, behind the scenes, the groundwork is being laid for Federal confiscation of tax deferred retirement accounts such as IRAs…”
The secret to helping your clients survive the great wealth confiscation in 2020 and beyond is to make your clients money legally invisible to the Government.
In our brand new tutorial, we will reveal the little-known strategy (that only business owners can take advantage of) to protect their wealth from greedy government politicians. Become a Quantum Member Today and we will show you how to protect your best client’s assets from higher taxes, market volatility, and desperate revenue strapped governments.
BONUS: All new members will get a physical copy of our new book that details all the powerful secrets of this Advanced Money Strategy.